Total Aviation Staffing, LLC Terms and Conditions

Please carefully review these terms of use. These terms may have been updated since your last visit to this website ("site"). By using this site, you indicate your agreement with these terms. If you do not agree with these terms, please refrain from using the site.

Site Access

The information provided on this site is for general informational purposes related to Total Aviation Staffing, LLC. This information is provided without knowledge of the reader's industry, identity, or specific circumstances. Laws and regulations can differ between jurisdictions, leading to variations in application and impact.

Information on this site should not be treated as professional advice, including legal, accounting, tax, career, or other such advice. Therefore, it should not be relied upon as a substitute for consulting with professional advisors.

Total Aviation Staffing, LLC retains the right to modify, suspend, or terminate this site at any time without prior notice or cost. The site's availability might be affected by maintenance, computer equipment issues, or other factors.

By using this site, you agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Total Aviation Staffing, LLC from any claims, losses, damages, liabilities, costs, and expenses, including attorney fees, arising from third-party claims linked to your violation of these terms through site usage.

Copyright and Trademark Information

All content on this site, present or future, including but not limited to articles, press releases, white papers, opinions, text, guides, directories, illustrations, photographs, trademarks, logos, service marks, trade names, and other such content (collectively referred to as "Content"), is the exclusive property of Total Aviation Staffing, LLC, its parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, and licensors.

This Content is protected by U.S. Copyright law, international conventions, trademark law, and other intellectual property regulations. Without explicit written consent from Total Aviation Staffing, LLC or relevant third parties owning trademarks or copyrights, usage of this site or any Content displayed here, including through framing or other methods, is strictly prohibited.

Subject to your strict adherence to these terms, Total Aviation Staffing, LLC grants you the authority to view the Content, make a single copy for personal, lawful, noncommercial use, and print that copy, while retaining all copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property notices found in the Content. Any modification of the Content or part thereof is prohibited.


To the extent allowed by applicable law, Total Aviation Staffing, LLC disclaims all warranties, explicit or implied, including implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for specific purposes. This includes, but is not limited to, no warranty for the accuracy, correctness, or reliability of information on this site; uninterrupted or error-free functioning of the site's features; or correction of defects, or the absence of viruses or damaging components on this site or its server.

Limitation of Liability

Total Aviation Staffing, LLC will not be liable under any circumstances for incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages resulting from using this site or its contained information. Even if Total Aviation Staffing, LLC has been informed of the potential for such damages, its total liability to you for all damages, losses, and causes of action, whether contractual, tort- based (including negligence), or otherwise, will not exceed $1.

Jurisdictional Matters

Total Aviation Staffing, LLC makes no claim that the information on this site is suitable or accessible for use outside the United States. Users accessing the site from outside the United States do so voluntarily and are responsible for complying with relevant local laws if applicable.

Links to External Sites

This site may contain links to non-Total Aviation Staffing, LLC websites. These links are offered for convenience and do not signify control over linked site content. Total Aviation Staffing, LLC is not accountable for the content of linked sites or any links contained within them. Inclusion of a link does not constitute endorsement by Total Aviation Staffing, LLC, and Total Aviation Staffing, LLC is not responsible for referenced or linked information.

Submissions to Total Aviation Staffing, LLC and Associated Servers

Any information provided to Total Aviation Staffing, LLC through this site, including suggestions, ideas, graphics, remarks, or other submissions, becomes the exclusive property of Total Aviation Staffing, LLC. Total Aviation Staffing, LLC has the right to use submitted information without limitations, except as stated in the Privacy Statement below, and without providing compensation to the submitter. Users acknowledge the originality, accuracy, appropriateness, and legality of any submission to Total Aviation Staffing, LLC.

Entire Agreement

These terms constitute the entire agreement between the parties concerning the subject matter discussed. They may not be modified except in writing signed by both parties or through new postings by Total Aviation Staffing, LLC, as previously described.

Privacy Statement

For details on our privacy policy, please refer to the privacy policy link.

SMS Text Message Terms of Use

Your use of the SMS text message and alert service ("the Service") adheres to the terms and conditions outlined below. Using the Service implies acceptance of these terms upon signing up. If you disagree with these terms, do not sign up for the Service.

Opting In

By applying with Total Aviation Staffing and providing a cell phone number you are opting in to text messaging with us. If you do not wish to receive texts from Scion you may opt-out by texting “Stop” at any time.

Text Message Services

Total Aviation Staffing, LLC doesn't charge for content, but additional fees may be imposed by your wireless carrier. Message and data rates may apply. The Service is accessible solely within the United States.

Data acquired from you in connection with the Service may comprise your mobile number, carrier name, message date, time, content, and other data you provide. We may employ this information to communicate notifications, provide requested information, operate, improve, and develop the Service. Your SMS usage data might also be collected by your carrier and other service providers, subject to their own policies. We retain the right to disclose any information as required to fulfill legal requests, prevent liability, or safeguard rights or assets. By submitting forms online or supplying information for the Service, you agree to provide accurate, complete, and true details. Total Aviation Staffing, LLC might employ an automated dialing system to send texts.

You accept the handling of your data according to the Total Aviation Staffing, LLC Online Privacy Statement.

The Service, along with received content and materials, belongs to Total Aviation Staffing, LLC and licensors. Use of the Service is limited to personal, non-commercial purposes. You shall not impair, disrupt, interfere with, or damage the Service or its functionality.

We reserve the right to modify these terms periodically and may terminate the Service at any point.

Contact with You by Email

By providing Total Aviation Staffing your email address, you consent to our using the email address to send you service-related and other non- commercial notices, including any notices required by law, in lieu of communication by postal mail. We may also use your email address to send you other messages, such as about changes to features of the Platform and/or our services and special offers (to the extent permitted by applicable law). If you have consented to receive email job alerts or marketing communications from us, we will send you such communications until you opt-out. If you do not want to receive job alert emails and/or marketing communications from us, you may opt-out or change your preferences in your Account page, by following the opt-out and/or unsubscribe instructions in the email message, or by emailing a request to opt-out to [unsubscribe email]. Please note that opting out may prevent you from receiving email messages regarding updates, improvements, or offers.

Please note that while you can opt-out of marketing messages and email job alerts, you may not be permitted to opt-out of certain non-commercial communications, which may include, without limitation, messages related to security, legal notices, your account, your use of our services, billing, and other transactional purposes unless you deactivate your account and stop using our services.

Contacting Us

Please submit any questions you have about these Terms or any problems concerning the platform to us by email at [email protected] or mail at: Customer Services, Total Aviation Staffing, 11210 Disco, San Antonio, TX 78216